
今年大齋期 , 我們將透過網上聚會探討「寬恕」的主題,
該課程將以 Rev. Rob Voyle (「The Appreciative Way」「築福之道」的創辦人)
課程將透過 Zoom 進行 , 連結將於週五的電郵中發送。
日期: 3 月 12 日至 4 月 9 日 (共 5 個星期三)
時間: 上午 10:00(中文)
晚上 7:30(英文)

Lenten Zoom Program

This Lent, we will have an online program on the topic of "Forgiveness", which will be based on the program given by Rev. Rob Voyle, who is the founder of "The Appreciative Way". Rev'ds. Simon and Andrew will lead the sharing time. It will be by Zoom and links will be sent in our Friday emails.
Dates: 5 Wednesdays from March 12 - April 9
Times: 10:00 AM - Chinese
7:30 PM - English

Weekly Activities

Online prayer meetings

Chinese: Every third Wednesday at 10:30am- virtually on Zoom
English: Every third Wednesday at 7:30pm- virtually on Zoom
Please contact the office for more information.

Sports Time

Monday: 1:00pm - 3:00pm- Table tennis
Tuesday: 4:00pm -6:00pm, and 8:oopm - 10:00pm- Pickleball (pre-registration required. Please contact the office for more details)
Friday: 8:00pm - 9:30pm- Badminton and table tennis
First Sunday of the month: 2:00pm - 5:00pm- Sports time for Hong Kong newcomers