Chinese Bible Study
The Chinese Bible Study meets in the daycare gym from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. It is primarily conducted in Cantonese. Everyone interested is welcome!
A Scripture passage is studied in a session. Chinese Bible study usually begins with small group discussion. Then in a large group, they examine the context of the passage, do an in-depth verse-by-verse study, and reflect on what the scripture means to them and how it impacts their lives. By the grace of God and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, they hope to learn together with openness, see God’s presence in their lives and be spiritual companions in their walk with God.
Here are some responses from the group members:
“The Bible study is not one-way instruction. Rather, we question, listen to each other’s perspectives and discover what the scripture truly means to us.”
“I am grateful to God. Many times, I came to the Bible study bothered by some issues in life. Amazingly, God’s Words spoke to me exactly what I needed to hear. When I left, my heart was consoled, and my faith was strengthened.”
“We do not simply do an academic study on a Bible passage, we learn how the Bible is so real to our everyday life.”
“I really enjoy the small group time. We study hard, share freely and have fun with each other. I once laughed so hard that I had to wipe away tears.”
Interested to join them? They sincerely invite you to come to their meetings!
中文主日研經班每月逢第二及第四主日下午一時半至三時在地庫 daycare gym 聚會,主要語言為粵語,歡迎有興趣的弟兄弟姊妹和朋友參加。
Chinese Fellowship
St. John’s Chinese Fellowship is mainly for Cantonese-speaking brothers and sisters of St. John’s Church. Visitors and newcomers are also welcome to join. We meet once a month either in-person at church or by online zoom meeting at home. The programs have different themes each time, ranging from Bible studies, faith and life topics with discussions, movie and music appreciation, health talks by guest speakers, etc. When meeting at church, we will have singing as well as dinner and other social activities. Once a year, we plan a fun social outing, to enhance our group bonding while we grow stronger in the Christian faith. We welcome new friends! If you are interested in joining or requesting more information about the fellowship, please provide a phone number or an email address through the “Contact Us” page for easy contact. We look forward to having you join us in sharing the joy of fellowship activities.
聖約翰中文團契,主要是為聖約翰堂説粵語的弟兄姊妹而設,也歡迎訪客和 新教友參加。團契每月舉辦一次在教會實體或家中線上聚會,每次有不同的主題, 有聖經 學習、信仰生命探討、電影和音樂欣賞、健康及生活講座。當我們在教會聚 會時,都會有唱歌及聚餐和聯誼活動。團契也每年籌辦一次戶外活動,讓各 參加者在信仰生活成長中,也能增進彼此的連繫。我們歡迎新朋友!如有興趣參加或索取更多有關團契的資料,請透過「聯絡 我們」”Contact Us” 網頁,提供電話號碼或電郵地址,以方便聯絡。我們期 待你能與我們一起,分享團契活動的樂趣。